I'm With The Band Lower Body
Mini Band
Use your medium band for this workout. Just know that you can do this all without a band as well.
Band side walks
Squat with side leg lift
Squat with back diagonal leg lift
Squat pulses
Squat leg press outs
Band walks
Mountain Climbers
90 degree kick backs
Hamstring kick backs
Straight leg lifts
Fire hydrants
V leg press outs
Ab series
Plank work
Up Next in Mini Band
Zoom 5.2 Cardio Sculpt Full Body
Get your sweat on in the full body cardio sculpt class. No equipment needed, but if you have a booty band or ankle weights, keep them near by. Enjoy!
JDP REPLAY 7.9 Cardio Sculpt Lower Bo...
Feel free to wear a mini loop band for all the bridge work in this routine, or add weights onto the hips to add extra work if needed. Enjoy!
JDP REPLAY 7.15 Cardio SCulpt Lower B...
Have at it! This quick workout will get your body moving, the booty firing, and leave a smile on your face at the end!